Buddhism is the religion and great philosophy of India's
Shramana tradition. Buddhist religion has been established in the 6th century
BC. Lord Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. Lord Buddha was born in 563 BC
before Lumbini, Nepal and Mahaparinirvan in Kushi Nagar, India 483 BC. In the
next five centuries of their Mahaparinirvana, Buddhism spread throughout the
Indian subcontinent and spread to the Middle, Eastern and Southeastern Jambu
continents in the next two thousand years.
Today, although Buddhism has three sects: Heinan or
Thiruvad, Mahayana and Vajrayana, but Buddhism is the same. All Buddhists
believe the Buddha's doctrine. In today's Puri world, more than 180 million
people are followers of Buddhism, which is 25% of the world's population and it
is the world's second largest religion. Buddhists are very active. Today,
Buddhism is the 'major religion' religion in 18 countries, including China,
Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Mongolia,
Tibet, Laos, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, South Korea and North Korea.
Lakhs and crores of Buddhists are also in countries like India, Nepal, America,
Australia, Indonesia, Russia, Brunei, Malaysia etc.
The complete adherence to ten parallels is called
Bodhisattva. When Bodhisattva achieves ten forces or lands (Mudita, Vimla,
Deepti, Architum, Sudhjaya, Oriente, Ranganga, Akal, Sadumati, Dhamma-Megha)
then called "Buddha", becoming a Buddha is the culmination of the
life of Bodhisattva. This identity has been given as Bodhi (Knowledge). In
modern India, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, father of Indian Constitution, is called
Bodhisattva. It is said that Buddha Shakyamuni is only a Buddha - there were
many before him and further in future. He said that any Buddha can become if he
should follow the full ten Paramitas and receive Bodhisattva and get ten forces
or lands after Bodhisattva. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to end the
suffering of entire human society. "I teach only one substance - sadness,
there is the cause of misery, there is the prevention of suffering, and the
path to the prevention of suffering" (Buddha). Followers of Buddhism do
not walk on the Ashtangi path and try to get rid of ignorance and sorrow and
get Nirvana.
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